Vertical Cross-Section of Subduction Zone (2D)#

The files are in the directory examples/subduction-2d. The files and directories for this set of examples includes:

README file containing a brief description of the various examples.


PyLith parameter files.

Python script to generate mesh using Gmsh.


Gmsh mesh files generated by Gmsh.


Files used to construct the finite-element mesh using CUBIT/Trelis.


Exodus II mesh files generated by Cubit.


Spatial database filesFiles associated with the spatial databases.


Directory containing ParaView Python scripts and other files for visualizing results.


Directory containing simulation output. It is created automatically when running the simulations.


This example examines quasistatic interseismic and coseismic deformation in 2D for a subduction zone (see Fig. 87). It is based on the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake off the east coast of Japan. We build on the previous examples and add complexity through a series of steps:

Step 1:

Static coseismic slip on the subduction interface.

Step 2:

Quasistatic interseismic deformation with creep on the top and bottom of the slab, except in the zone of coseismic slip.

Step 3:

Quasistatic earthquake cycle with prescribed coseismic slip and creep.


Steps 4-6 have not yet been updated for PyLith v3.

Cartoon of subduction zone example.

Fig. 87 Diagram of 2D subduction zone example.#

Geometry of subduction zone example.

Fig. 88 Geometry of the 2D subduction zone example. The domain extends from -600 km to +600 km in the x direction and from -340 km to 0 in the y direction. We refer to the domain boundaries using the names shown in the diagram.#


We decribe how to generate the finite-element mesh using both Gmsh and Cubit. The files for both methods are included. We use the Gmsh files in the PyLith parameter files. See examples/strikeslip-2d/step01_slip_cubit.cfg for a description of how to modify the parameter files to switch from using mesh files from Gmsh to mesh files from Cubit.

Example Workflow#