
The PyLith distribution contains several utilities for working with PyLith simulations and processing output. These Python scripts are all installed into the same bin directory as the pylith application with the exception of the pyre_doc.py script which is installed as part of Pythia/Pyre.


Display the Pyre properties and facilities available for a given component.


Search and display metadata in .cfg files.


Run all PyLith simulations in a given path.


Dump simulation parameters, including default values, to a file for viewing.


Compute earthquake rupture metrics from PyLith output.


Generate Xdmf files from HDF5 files written by PyLith.


Generate a spatial database with power-law bulk rheology parameters for PyLith.



New in v3.0.0

This utility is part of the Pythia/Pyre framework. It will be installed to the bin directory where Pythia/Pyre is installed. This utility extracts the Python docstrings and help information for Pyre components.


This utility does not work on the PyLithApp application object because it is a mpi.Application object.

pyre_doc.py [--help] [--short] OBJECT

Display help information for script.


Display only the docstrings for the specified module or object. The default is to display the information for the specified object and all child objects, such as classes within a module.


Full path to Python module or object, such as pylith.problems.Problem (module) or pylith.problems.Problem.Problem (object).

Listing 13 Example of running pyre_doc.py on pylith.problems.Problem#
$ pyre_doc.py pylith.problems.Problem
No help available for module pylith.problems.Problem.

class Problem
Python abstract base class for crustal dynamics problems.

    FACTORY: problem

facilities of 'problem':
    bc=<component name>: Boundary conditions.
        current value: 'emptybin', from {default}
        configurable as: emptybin, bc
    defaults=<component name>: Default options for problem.
        current value: 'problem_defaults', from {default}
        configurable as: problem_defaults, defaults
    gravity_field=<component name>: Database used for gravity field.
        current value: 'nullcomponent', from {default}
        configurable as: nullcomponent, gravity_field
    interfaces=<component name>: Interior surfaces with constraints or constitutive models.
        current value: 'emptybin', from {default}
        configurable as: emptybin, interfaces
    materials=<component name>: Materials in problem.
        current value: 'homogeneous', from {default}
        configurable as: homogeneous, materials
    normalizer=<component name>: Nondimensionalizer for problem.
        current value: 'nondimelasticquasistatic', from {default}
        configurable as: nondimelasticquasistatic, normalizer
    solution=<component name>: Solution field for problem.
        current value: 'solution', from {default}
        configurable as: solution
    solution_observers=<component name>: Observers (e.g., output) for solution.
        current value: 'singlesolnobserver', from {default}
        configurable as: singlesolnobserver, solution_observers
properties of 'problem':
    formulation=<str>: Formulation for equations.
        default value: 'quasistatic'
        current value: 'quasistatic', from {default}
        validator: (in ['quasistatic', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_imex'])
    help=<bool>: prints a screen that describes my traits
        default value: False
        current value: False, from {default}
    help-components=<bool>: prints a screen that describes my subcomponents
        default value: False
        current value: False, from {default}
    help-persistence=<bool>: prints a screen that describes my persistent store
        default value: False
        current value: False, from {default}
    help-properties=<bool>: prints a screen that describes my properties
        default value: False
        current value: False, from {default}
    solver=<str>: Type of solver to use ['linear', 'nonlinear'].
        default value: 'linear'
        current value: 'linear', from {default}
        validator: (in ['linear', 'nonlinear'])



New in v3.0.0

This utility searches and displays the metadata in .cfg files based on criteria provided via the command line.

pylith_cfgsearch [--help] [--path SEARCHPATH] [--display DISPLAY] [--verbose] [--keywords KEYWORDS]
    [--features FEATURES] [--authors AUTHORS] [--version VERSION] [--incompatible]

Display help information for script.


Search path for .cfg files (default: ./).

–display DISPLAY

List of metadata to display in search results (default: all).

–keywords KEYWORDS

Comma delimited list of keywords for filtering search results (default: None).

–features FEATURES

Comma delimited list of features for filtering search results (default: None).

–authors AUTHORS

Comma delimited list of authors for filtering search results (default: None).

–version VERSION

PyLith version for filtering search results (default: None).


Report missing metadata (default: False).


Filter search results to show incompatible parameter files (default: False).

Listing 14 Example of running pylith_cfgsearch in examples/strikeslip-2d.#
$ pylith_cfgsearch
step01_slip.cfg v1.0.0; requires PyLith >=3.0 and <4.0
    Coseismic prescribed slip with zero displacement Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Authors: Brad Aagaard
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip
        Triangular cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity,
        pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin, pylith.faults.KinSrcStep, field split
        preconditioner, Schur complement preconditioner, pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB,
        pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5, Static simulation
    pylith step01_slip.cfg
step02_slip_velbc.cfg v1.0.0; requires PyLith >=3.0 and <4.0
    Coseismic prescribed slip with velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Authors: Brad Aagaard
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, velocity boundary conditions
        Triangular cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity,
        pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin, pylith.faults.KinSrcStep, field split
        preconditioner, Schur complement preconditioner, pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB,
        pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5, Quasi-static simulation, spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    pylith step02_slip_velbc.cfg
step03_multislip_velbc.cfg v1.0.0; requires PyLith >=3.0 and <4.0
    Coseismic prescribed slip with multiple ruptures and velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Authors: Brad Aagaard
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, multiple fault ruptures, velocity boundary conditions
        Triangular cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity,
        pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin, pylith.faults.KinSrcStep, field split
        preconditioner, Schur complement preconditioner, pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB,
        pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5, Quasi-static simulation, spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    pylith step03_multislip_velbc.cfg
Listing 15 Example of running pylith_cfgsearch in examples/strikeslip-2d, limiting output to the description and keywords.#
$ pylith_cfgsearch --display=description,keywords
    Coseismic prescribed slip with zero displacement Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip
    Coseismic prescribed slip with velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, velocity boundary conditions
    Coseismic prescribed slip with multiple ruptures and velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, multiple fault ruptures, velocity boundary conditions
Listing 16 Example of running pylith_cfgsearch in examples/strikeslip-2d, filtering search results to quasistatic simulations.#
$ pylith_cfgsearch --features="Quasi-static simulation"
step02_slip_velbc.cfg v1.0.0; requires PyLith >=3.0 and <4.0
    Coseismic prescribed slip with velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Authors: Brad Aagaard
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, velocity boundary conditions
        Triangular cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity,
        pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin, pylith.faults.KinSrcStep, field split
        preconditioner, Schur complement preconditioner, pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB,
        pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5, Quasi-static simulation, spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    pylith step02_slip_velbc.cfg
step03_multislip_velbc.cfg v1.0.0; requires PyLith >=3.0 and <4.0
    Coseismic prescribed slip with multiple ruptures and velocity Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Authors: Brad Aagaard
    Keywords: example, 2D, strike slip, prescribed slip, multiple fault ruptures, velocity boundary conditions
        Triangular cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity,
        pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveKin, pylith.faults.KinSrcStep, field split
        preconditioner, Schur complement preconditioner, pylith.bc.DirichletTimeDependent, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB,
        pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5, Quasi-static simulation, spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    pylith step03_multislip_velbc.cfg



New in v3.0.0

The runner utility searches a directory path for .cfg files with arguments in the simulation metadata (see PyLith Application for details). It uses those arguments to run PyLith simulations.


The runner utility only knows how to run PyLith simulations, it does not know how to do pre- or post-processing.

pylith_runner [--help] [--path SEARCHPATH] [--verbose]

Display help information for script.


Search path for .cfg files (default: ./).


Report missing metadata (default: False).

Listing 17 Example of using pylith_runner to run all simulations in examples/box-2d (output omitted).#
$ pylith_runner --path=examples/box-2d


This utility dumps all PyLith parameters collected from cfg files, the command line, and any other sources, into a file. The output file can be a simple text file or a JSON file. The JSON file can be viewed using the PyLith Parameter Viewer.

pylith_dumpparameters [--quiet] [--format=ascii|json] [--filnemame=FILENAME]

Don’t include description, location, or aliases in output.


Format of output file (default=json).


Name of output file.


This utility computes the moment magnitude, seismic moment, seismic potency, and average slip at user-specified time snapshots from PyLith fault HDF5 output. The utility works with output from simulations with either prescribed slip and/or spontaneous rupture. Currently, we compute the shear modulus from a user-specified spatial database at the centroid of the fault cells. In the future we plan to account for lateral variations in shear modulus across the fault when calculating the seismic moment. The Python script is a Pyre application, so its parameters can be specified using cfg and command line arguments just like PyLith.

The Pyre properties and facilities include:


Filename for output of slip information.


Array of fault names.


Filename pattern in C/Python format for creating filename for each fault. Default is output/fault_\%s.h5.


Array of timestamps for slip snapshosts ([-1] means use last time step in file, which is the default).


Units for timestamps in array of snapshots.


Spatial database for elastic properties.


Coordinate system associated with mesh in simulation.


This utility generates Xdmf files from HDF5 files that conform to the layout used by PyLith. It is a simple Python script with a single command line argument with the file pattern of HDF5 files for which Xdmf files should be generated. Typically, it is used to regenerate Xdmf files that get corrupted or lost due to renaming and moving. It is also useful in updating Xdmf files when users add fields to HDF5 files during post-processing.

pylith_genxdmf --files=FILE_OR_FILE_PATTERN

The default value for FILE_OR_FILE_PATTERN is *.h5.


If the HDF5 files contain external datasets, then this utility should be run from the same relative path to the HDF5 files as when they were created. For example, if a PyLith simulation was run from directory work and HDF5 files were generated in output/work, then the utility should be run from the directory work. Furthermore, a visualization tool, such as ParaView, should also be started from the working directory work.


This Pyre application generates a SimpleDB spatial database file with power-law viscoelastic material properties for use with PyLith. The inputs are spatial databases with values often available from laboratory experiments, such as activation energy, temperature, power-law coefficient, and the power-law exponent. An additional parameter defines the units of the activation energy. You must also specify either a reference stress or a reference strain rate.

You place all of the application parameters in powerlaw_gendb.cfg, which the application will read by default.


Add cross reference to example using pylith_powerlaw_gendb.