
The material objects encapsulate the bulk behavior of the domain. This includes both the governing equations and the associated bulk rheology.

Specifying Material Properties#

Associating material properties with a given cell involves several steps.

  1. In the mesh generation process, assign a material identifier to each cell.

  2. Define material property groups corresponding to each material identifier. In CUBIT/Trelis this is done by creating the blocks as part of the boundary conditions.

  3. Provide the settings for each material group in the parameters, i.e., cfg file.

  4. Specify the parameters for the material properties, e.g., linear variation in density with depth, using a spatial database file. This allows variation of the material properties across cells with the same material identifier.

Material Implementations#

See also

See Governing Equations for the derivation of the finite-element formulation for each of the materials.