Step 1: Error 2#

Error Message#

Listing 172 Error message 2 when running Step 1.#
 1$ pylith step01_gravity.cfg
 3 >> {default}::
 4 -- pyre.inventory(error)
 5 -- <- ''
 6 -- Missing required property 'name' in default options for problem.
 7 >> ./pylithapp.cfg:133:
 8 -- pyre.inventory(error)
 9 -- pylithapp.timedependent.materials.elasticity.auxiliary_subfields.bulk_modulus.basis_order <- '0'
10 -- unknown component 'pylithapp.timedependent.materials.elasticity.auxiliary_subfields.bulk_modulus'
11 >> ./pylithapp.cfg:134:
12 -- pyre.inventory(error)
13 -- pylithapp.timedependent.materials.elasticity.auxiliary_subfields.shear_modulus.basis_order <- '0'
14 -- unknown component 'pylithapp.timedependent.materials.elasticity.auxiliary_subfields.shear_modulus'
15usage: pylith [--<property>=<value>] [--<facility>.<property>=<value>] [FILE.cfg] ...
16component 'pylithapp'
17    properties: dump_parameters, help, help-components, help-persistence, help-properties, include-citations, initialize_only, job, launcher, mesh_generator, metadata, nodes, petsc, problem, scheduler, start_python_debugger, typos, weaver
18    facilities: dump_parameters,job,launcher,mesh_generator,metadata,petsc,problem,scheduler,weaver
19For more information:
20  --help-properties: prints details about user settable properties
21  --help-components: prints details about user settable facilities and components
22pylithapp: configuration error(s)

Troubleshooting Strategy#

The full error message shows several errors associated with our parameter files. Because errors often cascade, the best place to start is to address the first error (lines 3-6). We see that the default name for problem_defaults is empty and PyLith requires one. This name will be used as the first part of the filename for output. We resolve this error by examining the parameters for pylithapp.timedependent.problem_defaults in step01_gravity.cfg. We see that we do not set any of the problem defaults.


We must set the simulation name in the problem defaults.

Listing 173 Correct error in pylithapp.cfg.#
# Set the name of the problem that will be used to construct the
# output filenames. The default directory for output is 'output'. = step01_gravity