(sec-user-examples-troubleshooting-2d)= # Troubleshooting (2D) This set of examples demonstrations how to troubleshoot PyLith simulations. We consider Steps 1 and 6 from `examples/reverse-2d` and introduce errors into the parameter files and spatial databases. We illustrate how to dissect a variety of error messages, strategies for diagnosing errors, and the resolution. The files are in the directory `examples/troubleshooting-2d`. The files and directories for this set of examples includes: :`README.md`: README file containing a brief description of the various examples. :`*.cfg`: PyLith parameter files. :`*.msh`: Gmsh finite-element mesh files generated by Gmsh. :`*.spatialdb`: Spatial database filesFiles associated with the spatial databases. :`viz`: Directory containing ParaView Python scripts and other files for visualizing results. :`output`: Directory containing simulation output. It is created automatically when running the simulations. ## Example Workflow :::{toctree} error-messages.md step01-gravity.md step01-error01.md step01-error02.md step01-error03.md step01-error04.md step01-error05.md step06-twofaults.md step06-error01.md step06-error02.md step06-error03.md step06-error04.md step06-error05.md step06-error06.md step06-error07.md step06-error08.md step06-error09.md :::