# Common Information In addition to the finite-element mesh, PyLith requires files to specify the simulation parameters. We specify parameters common to all simulations in a directory in `pylithapp.cfg`, which contains numerous comments, so we only summarize the parameters here. ## Metadata, Mesh, and Output The `pylithapp.metadata` section specifies metadata common to all simulations in the directory. We control the verbosity of the output written to stdout using `journal.info`. We set the parameters for importing the finite-element mesh in `pylithapp.mesh_generator`. ## Physics These quasi-static simulations solve the elasticity equation and include a fault, so we have a solution field with both displacement and Lagrange multiplier subfields. % \begin{gather} \vec{s} = \left(\begin{array}{c} \vec{u} \quad \vec{\lambda} \end{array}\right)^T \\ \boldsymbol{\nabla} \cdot \boldsymbol{\sigma}(\vec{u}) = \vec{0} \end{gather} % We use the default `TimeDependent` problem and solution field with a single displacement subfield of basis order 1. In addition to output of the solution over the domain, we output the solution over the ground surface (+y boundary). For the domain we skip one time step between writing the solution to the file. ```{code-block} cfg --- caption: Solution and output parameters for all subduction-2d simulations. --- [pylithapp.problem] solution = pylith.problems.SolnDispLagrange [pylithapp.problem] solution_observers = [domain, groundsurf] solution_observers.groundsurf = pylith.meshio.OutputSolnBoundary [pylithapp.problem.solution_observers.domain] # Skip 1 time step between output for the domain. trigger.num_skip = 1 [pylithapp.problem.solution_observers.groundsurf] # The `label` and `label_value` correspond to the name and tag of the # physical group in the Gmsh Python script. label = groundsurf label_value = 10 ``` The physical properties for each material are specified in spatial database files. For example, the elastic properties for the continental crust are in `mat_concrust.spatialdb`. The provided spatial database files all use just a single point to specify uniform physical properties within each material. ```{code-block} cfg --- caption: Material parameters for the subduction-2d example suite. We only show the details for the continental crust material. --- [pylithapp.problem] materials = [continent_crust, ocean_crust, mantle] [pylithapp.problem.materials] [pylithapp.problem.materials.continent_crust] description = Continental crust label_value = 1 db_auxiliary_field.description = Continental crust properties db_auxiliary_field.iohandler.filename = mat_concrust.spatialdb observers.observer.trigger.num_skip = 1 auxiliary_subfields.density.basis_order = 0 bulk_rheology.auxiliary_subfields.bulk_modulus.basis_order = 0 bulk_rheology.auxiliary_subfields.shear_modulus.basis_order = 0 ```