# SimulationMetadata % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.utils.SimulationMetadata` :Journal name: `metadata` Metadata for simulation. When using `base` to specify other files with metadata, the other files will append to the `keywords` and `features` lists, whereas other metadata will be overwritten (the same behavior as other Pyre properties). ## Pyre Properties * `arguments`=\: Command line arguments for running simulation. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `authors`=\: Creator(s) of simulation. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `base`=\: Parameter files with metadata that complement this metadata. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `description`=\: Description of simulation. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} - **validator**: * `features`=\: PyLith features used in simulation. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `keywords`=\: Keywords describing simulation. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `pylith_version`=\: PyLith versions compatible with simulation input files. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `version`=\: Version number for simulation. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} ## Example Example of setting `SimulationMetadata` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [pylithapp.metadata] base = [pylithapp.cfg] description = Axial extension using Dirichlet boundary conditions. keywords = [example, 2D, box, axial extension] features = [ Quadrilateral cells, pylith.meshio.MeshIOAscii, pylith.problems.TimeDependent, pylith.materials.Elasticity, pylith.materials.IsotropicLinearElasticity, spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB, pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5 ] authors = [Brad Aagaard] version = 1.0.0 arguments = [step01_axialdisp.cfg] pylith_version = [>=3.0, <4.0] :::