# DumpParametersAscii % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.utils.DumpParametersAscii` :Journal name: `dumpparamters` Dump PyLith parameter information to an ASCII file. Implements `DumpParameters`. ## Pyre Properties * `filename`=\: Name of file written with parameters. - **default value**: 'pylith_paramters.txt' - **current value**: 'pylith_paramters.txt', from {default} * `indent`=\: Nmber of spaces to indent. - **default value**: 4 - **current value**: 4, from {default} * `verbose`=\: Include description, location, and aliases. - **default value**: True - **current value**: True, from {default} ## Example Example of setting `DumpParametersAscii` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [pylithapp] dump_parameters = pylith.utils.DumpParametersAscii [pylithapp.dump_parameters] filename = output/parameters.txt verbose = True :::