# TimeDependent % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.problems.TimeDependent` :Journal name: `timedependent` Static, quasistatic, or dynamic time-dependent problem. Implements `Problem`. ## Pyre Facilities * `bc`: Boundary conditions. - **current value**: 'emptybin', from {default} - **configurable as**: emptybin, bc * `defaults`: Default options for problem. - **current value**: 'problem_defaults', from {default} - **configurable as**: problem_defaults, defaults * `gravity_field`: Database used for gravity field. - **current value**: 'nullcomponent', from {default} - **configurable as**: nullcomponent, gravity_field * `ic`: Initial conditions. - **current value**: 'emptybin', from {default} - **configurable as**: emptybin, ic * `interfaces`: Interior surfaces with constraints or constitutive models. - **current value**: 'emptybin', from {default} - **configurable as**: emptybin, interfaces * `materials`: Materials in problem. - **current value**: 'homogeneous', from {default} - **configurable as**: homogeneous, materials * `normalizer`: Nondimensionalizer for problem. - **current value**: 'nondimelasticquasistatic', from {default} - **configurable as**: nondimelasticquasistatic, normalizer * `petsc_defaults`: Flags controlling which default PETSc options to use. - **current value**: 'petscdefaults', from {default} - **configurable as**: petscdefaults, petsc_defaults * `progress_monitor`: Simple progress monitor via text file. - **current value**: 'progressmonitortime', from {default} - **configurable as**: progressmonitortime, progress_monitor * `solution`: Solution field for problem. - **current value**: 'solution', from {default} - **configurable as**: solution * `solution_observers`: Observers (e.g., output) for solution. - **current value**: 'singlesolnobserver', from {default} - **configurable as**: singlesolnobserver, solution_observers ## Pyre Properties * `end_time`=\: End time for problem. - **default value**: 3.15576e+06*s - **current value**: 3.15576e+06*s, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than or equal to 0*s) * `formulation`=\: Formulation for equations. - **default value**: 'quasistatic' - **current value**: 'quasistatic', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['quasistatic', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_imex']) * `initial_dt`=\: Initial time step. - **default value**: 3.15576e+07*s - **current value**: 3.15576e+07*s, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than 0*s) * `max_timesteps`=\: Maximum number of time steps. - **default value**: 20000 - **current value**: 20000, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than 0) * `notify_observers_ic`=\: Notify observers of solution with initial conditions. - **default value**: False - **current value**: False, from {default} * `solver`=\: Type of solver to use ['linear', 'nonlinear']. - **default value**: 'nonlinear' - **current value**: 'nonlinear', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['linear', 'nonlinear']) * `start_time`=\: Start time for problem. - **default value**: 0*s - **current value**: 0*s, from {default} ## Example Example of setting `TimeDependent` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg # Set boundary conditions, faults, and materials bc = [boundary_xpos, boundary_xneg] interfaces = [san_andreas, hayward] materials = [crust, mantle] # Create an initial condition over the domain ic = [domain] # Turn on gravitational body forces gravity_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.GravityField # Set the normalizer for nondimensionalizing the problem normalizer = spatialdata.units.NondimElasticQuasistatic # Set the subfields in the solution solution = = pylith.problems.SolnDispLagrange # Output the solution for the domain and ground surface solution_observers = [domain, ground_surface] # Use the quasistatic formulation, linear solver, and set appropriate default solver settings. formulation = quasistatic solver = linear # Use a maximum of 20 time steps to simulation from -0.5 years to 2.0 years with an initial time step of 0.5 years. # The first time step will compute the solution at time 0. start_time = -0.5*year end_time = 2.0*year initial_dt = 0.5*year max_timesteps = 20 [pylithapp.greensfns.petsc_defaults] solver = True monitors = True :::