# InitialConditionPatch % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.problems.InitialConditionPatch` :Journal name: `initialconditionspatch` Initial conditions over a portion of the domain (patch). Implements `InitialCondition`. ## Pyre Facilities * `db`: Spatial database with values for initial condition. - **current value**: 'simpledb', from {default} - **configurable as**: simpledb, db ## Pyre Properties * `label`=\: Name of label for patch. - **default value**: 'material-id' - **current value**: 'material-id', from {default} * `label_value`=\: Value of label associated with initial condition patch, usually the material label value. - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} * `subfields`=\: Names of solution subfields for initial condition. - **default value**: ['displacement'] - **current value**: ['displacement'], from {default} ## Example Example of setting `InitialConditionPatch` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg # Create separate initial conditions for two materials. # This is often useful if the materials have different properties. [pylithapp.problem] ic = [mat1, mat2] ic.mat1 = pylith.problems.InitialConditionPatch ic.mat2 = pylith.problems.InitialConditionPatch [pylithapp.problem.ic.mat1] label_value = 1 db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleGridDB db.description = Initial conditions over material 1 db.filename = shearmat1_ic.spatialdb [pylithapp.problem.ic.mat2] label_value = 2 db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleGridDB db.description = Initial conditions over material 2 db.filename = shearmat2_ic.spatialdb :::