# ZeroDB % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.bc.ZeroDB` :Journal name: `zerodb` Special case of a `UniformDB` spatial database with uniform zero initial amplitude values for degrees of freedom. Implements `SpatialDB`. ## Pyre Properties * `data`=\: Values in spatial database. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `description`=\: Description for database. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} - **validator**: * `label`=\: Label for ZeroDB spatial database. - **default value**: 'Zero initial amplitude spatial database.' - **current value**: 'Zero initial amplitude spatial database.', from {default} * `values`=\: Names of values in spatial database. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} ## Example Example of setting `ZeroDB` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg # Zero displacement boundary condition constraining the y degree of freedom on the -y boundary. [pylithapp.problem.bc.bc_yneg] constrained_dof = [1] label = boundary_yneg field = displacement db_auxiliary_field = pylith.bc.ZeroDB db_auxiliary_field.description = Dirichlet displacement boundary condition on the -y boundary :::