# Building the documentation You can build a local copy of the documentation using Sphinx. ## Prerequisites You do not have to install PyLith to generate a local copy of the documentation. Nevertheless, you must have Python 3 and the following Python packages installed: * **sphinx** (v3.5 or later) * **myst-parser** (0.14.0 or later) * **pydata-sphinx-theme** (0.6.2 or later) * **sphinxcontrib.bibtex** ## Generating the documentation Use the `build.sh` script in the `docs-sphinx` directory to generate the documentation. The default format is html, which will place the files in the `_build/html` directory. PDF and epub formats can also be generated. ```{code-block} console cd docs-sphinx # Generate the documentation as html. $ ./build.sh # Generate the documentation as a PDF. $ ./build.sh latex $ cd _build/latex && make # Generate the documentation as an epub. $ ./build.sh epub ```