# Vertical Cross-Section of a Reverse Fault with Splay (2D) The files are in the directory `examples/reverse-2d`. The files and directories for this set of examples includes: :`README.md`: README file containing a brief description of the various examples. :`*.cfg`: PyLith parameter files. :`generate_gmsh.py`: Python script to generate mesh using Gmsh. :`*.msh`: Gmsh mesh files generated by Gmsh. :`*.jou`: Files used to construct the finite-element mesh using CUBIT/Trelis. :`*.exo`: Exodus II mesh files generated by Cubit. :`*.spatialdb`: Spatial database filesFiles associated with the spatial databases. :`viz`: Directory containing ParaView Python scripts and other files for visualizing results. :`output`: Directory containing simulation output. It is created automatically when running the simulations. ## Overview This suite of examples demonstrates use of a number of features for a vertical cross section of a reverse fault accompanied by a splay fault ({numref}`fig:example:reverse:2d:geometry`) with elastic and viscoelastic material properties. We separately consider loading from gravitational body forces, surface tractions, and coseismic slip. We build on the previous examples and add complexity through a series of steps: :Step 1: Gravitational body forces and linear isotropic elasticity. :Step 2: Gravitational body forces and linear isotropic elasticity with a reference stress state. :Step 3: Gravitational body forces and linear isotropic incompressible elasticity. :Step 4: Surface tractions and linear isotropic linear elasticity. :Step 5: Earthquake rupture on one fault and linear isotropic linear elasticity. :Step 6: Earthquake rupture on two faults and linear isotropic linear elasticity. :Step 7: Earthquake rupture on two faults and linear isotropic Maxwell viscoelastic rheology. :Step 8: Earthquake rupture on two faults and linear isotropic powerlaw viscoelastic rheology. :::{figure-md} fig:example:reverse:2d:geometry Geometry used for 2D reverse fault example. Diagram of geometry for domain with reverse and splay faults and three materials (crust, slab, and wedge). The domain extends from -100 km to +100 km in the x direction and from -100 km to 0 in the y direction. We refer to the domain boundaries using the names shown in the diagram. ::: :::{important} We decribe how to generate the finite-element mesh using both Gmsh and Cubit. The files for both methods are included. We use the Gmsh files in the PyLith parameter files. See [examples/strikeslip-2d/step01_slip_cubit.cfg](../strikeslip-2d/step01-slip.md) for a description of how to modify the parameter files to switch from using mesh files from Gmsh to mesh files from Cubit. ::: ## Example Workflow :::{toctree} meshing-gmsh.md meshing-cubit.md common-information.md step01-gravity.md step02-gravity-refstate.md step03-gravity-incompressible.md step04-surfload.md step05-onefault.md step06-twofaults-elastic.md step07-twofaults-maxwell.md step08-twofaults-powerlaw.md exercises.md :::