# Subfield % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.topology.Subfield` :Journal name: `subfield` Python object for defining discretization of a subfield. ## Pyre Properties * `basis_order`=\: Order of basis functions. - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} * `cell_basis`=\: Type of cell basis functions (simplex, tensor, or default). Default is to use type matching cell type. - **default value**: 'default' - **current value**: 'default', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['simplex', 'tensor', 'default']) * `dimension`=\: Topological dimension associated with subfield (=-1 will use dimension of domain). - **default value**: -1 - **current value**: -1, from {default} * `finite_element_space`=\: Finite-element space (polynomial or point). Point space corresponds to delta functions at quadrature points. - **default value**: 'polynomial' - **current value**: 'polynomial', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['polynomial', 'point']) * `is_basis_continous`=\: Is basis continuous? - **default value**: True - **current value**: True, from {default} * `quadrature_order`=\: Order of numerical quadrature. - **default value**: -1 - **current value**: -1, from {default}