# OutputSolnPoints % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.meshio.OutputSolnPoints` :Journal name: `outputsolnpoints` Output of solution subfields at discrete points in the domain. :::{tip} Most output information can be configured at the problem level using the [`ProblemDefaults` Component](../problems/ProblemDefaults.md). ::: Implements `OutputSoln`. ## Pyre Facilities * `reader`: Reader for points list. - **current value**: 'pointslist', from {default} - **configurable as**: pointslist, reader * `trigger`: Trigger defining how often output is written. - **current value**: 'outputtriggerstep', from {default} - **configurable as**: outputtriggerstep, trigger * `writer`: Writer for data. - **current value**: 'datawriterhdf5', from {default} - **configurable as**: datawriterhdf5, writer ## Pyre Properties * `data_fields`=\: Names of solution subfields to include in output. - **default value**: ['all'] - **current value**: ['all'], from {default} * `label`=\: Label identifier for points (used in constructing default filenames). - **default value**: 'points' - **current value**: 'points', from {default} * `output_basis_order`=\: Basis order for output. - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} - **validator**: (in [0, 1]) ## Example Example of setting `OutputSolnPoints` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [observer] label = stations data_fields = [displacement] # List of points where we want output. reader = pylith.meshio.PointsList reader.filename = stations.txt # Skip two time steps between output. output_trigger = pylith.meshio.OutputTriggerStep output_trigger.num_skip = 2 # Write output to HDF5 file with name `domain.h5`. writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5 writer.filename = domain.h5 output_basis_order = 1 :::