# MeshIOCubit % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit` :Journal name: `meshiocubit` Reader for finite-element meshes from Exodus II files (usually from Cubit). :::{warning} The coordinate system associated with the mesh must be a Cartesian coordinate system, such as a generic Cartesian coordinate system or a geographic projection. ::: Implements `MeshIOObj`. ## Pyre Facilities * `coordsys`: Coordinate system associated with mesh. - **current value**: 'cscart', from {default} - **configurable as**: cscart, coordsys ## Pyre Properties * `filename`=\: Name of Cubit Exodus file. - **default value**: 'mesh.exo' - **current value**: 'mesh.exo', from {default} - **validator**: * `use_nodeset_names`=\: Use nodeset names instead of ids. - **default value**: True - **current value**: True, from {default} ## Example Example of setting `MeshIOCubit` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [pylithapp.mesh_generator.reader] filename = mesh_quad.exo use_nodeset_names = True coordsys.space_dim = 2 :::