# DataWriterVTK % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.meshio.DataWriterVTK` :Journal name: `datawritervtk` Writer of solution, auxiliary, and derived subfields to a VTK file. Implements `DataWriter`. ## Pyre Properties * `filename`=\: Name of VTK file. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} * `float_precision`=\: Precision of floating point values in output. - **default value**: 6 - **current value**: 6, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than 0) * `time_constant`=\: Values used to normalize time stamp in filename. - **default value**: 1*s - **current value**: 1*s, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than 0*s) * `time_format`=\: C style format string for time stamp in filename. - **default value**: '%f' - **current value**: '%f', from {default} ## Example Example of setting `DataWriterVTK` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [data_writer] filename = domain_solution.vtk time_format = %0.2f time_constant = 1.0*year float_precision = 6 :::