# FaultCohesiveImpulses % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveImpulses` :Journal name: `faultcohesiveimpulses` Fault surface with slip impulses for Green's functions implemented with cohesive cells. The comopnents Implements `FaultCohesiveKin`. ## Pyre Facilities * `auxiliary_subfields`: Discretization information for auxiliary subfields. - **current value**: 'auxiliary_subfields', from {file='/software/unix/py39-venv/pylith-debug/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pythia/pyre/inventory/ConfigurableClass.py', line=26, function='__set__'} - **configurable as**: auxiliary_subfields * `db_auxiliary_field`: (no documentation available) - **current value**: 'nullcomponent', from {default} - **configurable as**: nullcomponent, db_auxiliary_field * `derived_subfields`: Discretization of derived subfields. - **current value**: 'emptybin', from {default} - **configurable as**: emptybin, derived_subfields * `observers`: Observers (e.g., output). - **current value**: 'singlephysicsobserver', from {default} - **configurable as**: singlephysicsobserver, observers ## Pyre Properties * `edge`=\: Name of label identifier for buried fault edges. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} * `edge_value`=\: Value of label identifier for buried fault edges. - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} * `impulse_dof`=\: Indices of impulse components; 0=fault opening, 1=left lateral, 2=reverse (3D only). - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} - **validator**: * `label`=\: Name of label identifier for fault. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} - **validator**: * `label_value`=\: Value of label identifier for fault. - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} * `ref_dir_1`=\: First choice for reference direction to discriminate among tangential directions in 3-D. - **default value**: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] - **current value**: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], from {default} - **validator**: * `ref_dir_2`=\: Second choice for reference direction to discriminate among tangential directions in 3-D. - **default value**: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] - **current value**: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], from {default} - **validator**: * `threshold`=\: Threshold for non-zero amplitude. - **default value**: 1e-06*m - **current value**: 1e-06*m, from {default} - **validator**: (greater than or equal to 0*m) ## Example Example of setting `FaultCohesiveImpulses` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg [pylithapp.greensfns] interfaces = [fault] interfaces.fault = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveImpulses [pylithapp.greensfns.interfaces.fault] label = fault label_value = 20 # Impulses for left-lateral slip (dof=1) impulse_dof = [1] threshold = 0.5 # Create impulses at all points on the fault by specifying a uniform amplitude of 1.0. # Impulses will be applied at any location with a slip component greater than the threshold. db_auxiliary_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB db_auxiliary_field.description = Slip impulse amplitude db_auxiliary_field.values = [slip_left_lateral, slip_opening] db_auxiliary_field.data = [1.0*m, 0.0*m] # Represent the impulse as a linear variation in slip centered on each point. auxiliary_subfields.slip.basis_order = 1 :::