# NeumannTimeDependent % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.bc.NeumannTimeDependent` :Journal name: `neumanntimedependent` Neumann time-dependent boundary condition. Implements `BoundaryCondition`. This boundary condition applies a Neumann boundary condition for a single solution subfield on a boundary. To apply Neumann boundary conditions for multiple solution subfields on a boundary, use multiple Neumann boundary conditions. :::{important} The components are specified in the local normal-tangential coordinate system for the boundary. Ambiguities in specifying the shear (tangential) tractions in 3D problems are resolved using the `ref_dir_1` and `ref_dir_2` properties. The first tangential direction is $\vec{z} \times \vec{r}_1$ unless these are colinear, then $\vec{r}_2$ (`ref_dir_2`) is used. The second tangential direction is $\vec{n} \times \vec{t}_1$. ::: :::{seealso} See [`AuxSubfieldsTimeDependent` Component](AuxSubfieldsTimeDependent.md) for the functional form of the time depenence. ::: ## Pyre Facilities * `auxiliary_subfields`: Discretization information for auxiliary subfields. - **current value**: 'auxiliary_subfields', from {file='/home/pylith-user/software/unix/py39-venv/pylith-debug/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pythia/pyre/inventory/ConfigurableClass.py', line=26, function='__set__'} - **configurable as**: auxiliary_subfields * `db_auxiliary_field`: Database for physical property parameters. - **current value**: 'simpledb', from {default} - **configurable as**: simpledb, db_auxiliary_field * `derived_subfields`: Discretization of derived subfields. - **current value**: 'emptybin', from {default} - **configurable as**: emptybin, derived_subfields * `observers`: Observers (e.g., output). - **current value**: 'singlephysicsobserver', from {default} - **configurable as**: singlephysicsobserver, observers * `time_history`: Time history with normalized amplitude as a function of time. - **current value**: 'nullcomponent', from {default} - **configurable as**: nullcomponent, time_history ## Pyre Properties * `field`=\: Solution subfield associated with boundary condition. - **default value**: 'displacement' - **current value**: 'displacement', from {default} * `label`=\: Name of label identifying boundary. - **default value**: '' - **current value**: '', from {default} - **validator**: * `label_value`=\: Value of label identifying boundary (tag of physical group in Gmsh files). - **default value**: 1 - **current value**: 1, from {default} * `ref_dir_1`=\: First choice for reference direction to discriminate among tangential directions in 3D. - **default value**: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] - **current value**: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], from {default} - **validator**: * `ref_dir_2`=\: Second choice for reference direction to discriminate among tangential directions in 3D. - **default value**: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] - **current value**: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], from {default} - **validator**: * `scale_name`=\: Type of scale for nondimensionalizing Neumann boundary condition ('pressure' for elasticity). - **default value**: 'pressure' - **current value**: 'pressure', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['length', 'time', 'pressure', 'density', 'velocity']) * `use_initial`=\: Use initial term in time-dependent expression. - **default value**: True - **current value**: True, from {default} * `use_rate`=\: Use rate term in time-dependent expression. - **default value**: False - **current value**: False, from {default} * `use_time_history`=\: Use time history term in time-dependent expression. - **default value**: False - **current value**: False, from {default} ## Example Example of setting `NeumannTimeDependent` Pyre properties and facilities in a parameter file. :::{code-block} cfg # Neumann (traction) boundary condition in 2D on -y boundary. [pylithapp.problem.bc.bc_yneg] label = boundary_yneg field = displacement scale_name = pressure use_initial = False use_time_history = True db_auxiliary_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB db_auxiliary_field.description = Displacement Neumann BC +y boundary db_auxiliary_field.values = [time_history_amplitude_tangential, time_history_amplitude_normal, time_history_start_time] db_auxiliary_field.data = [2.0*MPa, -1.0*MPa, 0.0] time_history = spatialdata.spatialdb.TimeHistory time_history.description = Impulse time history time_history.filename = impulse.timedb :::