# EqInfoApp % WARNING: Do not edit; this is a generated file! :Full name: `pylith.apps.EqInfoApp` :Journal name: `eqinfoapp` ## Pyre Facilities * `coordsys`: Coordinate system associated with mesh. - **current value**: 'cscart', from {default} - **configurable as**: cscart, coordsys * `db_properties`: Spatial database for elastic properties. - **current value**: 'simpledb', from {default} - **configurable as**: simpledb, db_properties * `weaver`: the pretty printer of my configuration as an XML document - **current value**: 'weaver', from {default} - **configurable as**: weaver ## Pyre Properties * `faults`=\: Array of fault names. - **default value**: [] - **current value**: [], from {default} * `filename_pattern`=\: Pattern for fault files. - **default value**: 'output/fault_%s.h5' - **current value**: 'output/fault_%s.h5', from {default} * `output_filename`=\: Filename for output. - **default value**: 'eqstats.py' - **current value**: 'eqstats.py', from {default} * `snapshot_units`=\: Units for timestamps in array of snapshots. - **default value**: 1*s - **current value**: 1*s, from {default} * `snapshots`=\: Array of timestamps for slip snapshots (-1 == last time step). - **default value**: [-1] - **current value**: [-1], from {default} * `typos`=\: Specifies the handling of unknown properties and facilities - **default value**: 'pedantic' - **current value**: 'pedantic', from {default} - **validator**: (in ['relaxed', 'strict', 'pedantic'])